
I am a scholar of American religions working at the intersection of academic and public discourse. I hold a PhD in North American religions from the University of Waterloo and a master’s degree in ethics from Boston University. My studies and research have concentrated on contemporary religious diversity in North America, especially pluralism, multiculturalism, and the ongoing arrangement of religion in a liberal democratic society. This includes the intersections of religion with citizenship, immigration, law, and education as well as issues of identity and the politics of representation. My work has also focused on theories and methods in the study of religion and the analysis of a range of interpretive frameworks, from the sociological to the historical to the theological.

I am the founding Director of the Institute for Diversity and Civic Life, a non-profit organization with a mission to expand civic imaginations and cultivate conversations about belonging and identity through research, education, and storytelling. Through IDCL, I direct the Religions Texas initiative, a collaborative oral history initiative. I'm also Adjunct Faculty at St. Edward's University and a lecturer at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, where I teach courses on religious diversity, ethics and qualitative research methods. 

I live in Austin, TX with my husband, two lovely children, and two energetic dogs.


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